Waiting times
The table below shows the average waiting times for treatment. Waiting times can vary per location, but also per treatment. We do our utmost to keep all waiting times to a minimum. As soon as you have registered, we will call you to arrange a first interview.
Registration and treatment waiting times
Registration waiting time* Time between registration and intake. |
Treatment waiting time* Time between intake and treatment. |
13Waiting time: |
12Waiting time: |
Treatment for: | Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Binge Eating Disorder (BED) ARFID Eating disorder with obesity Eating disorder ED-NOS or AGE |
Locations: | Amsterdam | |
Publication date: | Publication date: November 19, 2024 |
*Waiting times may be longer for certain treatment modules.
The waiting time depends partly on the screening, and varies between 1 and 5 months.
If you think this waiting time is too long, then you – or your GP – are welcome to contact us directly. The waiting time depends on the indication for treatment in a specific practitioner group; for instance, the waiting time is longer for a psychotherapist than for a psychologist.
The waiting times do not depend on which health insurance provider you have. If the waiting times are above the norm, you can ask your health care insurance provider for ‘waiting list mediation’. Your health care insurance provider can support you to ensure that waiting times stay within the norms (i.e. maximum acceptable waiting times that have been agreed between health care providers and health care insurers). These norms (sometimes referred to in Dutch as Treeknormen) specify that you should have an intake session within four weeks of your first contact with the care provider, and that treatment should start within ten weeks of the intake.
If you have any questions about waiting times, feel free to call Arkin Central Registration on 020-5904444.